8 Days

There are 8 days to go until Christmas and I am feeling the least christmassy I have in years.  

In an attempt to find my Christmas spirit I am writing cards today and posting them out.  I’m going in search of something to make a wreath and table decorations from.  I am buying ingredients to make something sticky, sickly and sweet to give as gifts.  I have Christmas songs on repeat.  I WILL channel my inner Mrs Santa.

I’ve even ordered some more presents, but it bugs me to admit they are from Tesco.  I wrote a while ago about trying to keep our presents from more local suppliers, but I have to say, I have really struggled.  There is a shortage of suitable gifts for the boys.  I could get some home made dolls and clothes for my daughter, but for the boys – nothing. Admittedly they want things like video games, dvd’s and cds.  There are no independent shops supplying these so I am stuck. It really shows that if we don’t use our local shops the monsters take over!  Due to financial reasons we aren’t buying for one another this year, and this is the one place I could get some items from those lovely little natty shops.  So there go my grand ideas of supporting local. Piff paff poof.

There is a local Christmas market which we can head to tonight, I hope there are plenty of stocking fillers there to ease my guilt and turn me into Mrs Claus. Or an elf, at the very least… 

Failing that, pass the champagne.






Those of you who know me will tell those of you who don’t that I like nothing better than to plan.  Nothing pleases me more than organising an event, a birthday, a party, a coffee with friends…  So it will come as no surprise that I have already started thinking about what I would like to achieve next year.  Who needs to wait until New Years Eve to decide on their resolutions?

In truth I was inspired by a meeting with Lizz from DJ Archer photography, who told me that she has a board on Pinterest where she keeps all her aims and desires for the year ahead.  It sounded like a logical and easy way to visualise my dreams, so I decided to have a go myself. I’m approaching 36 and until now I haven’t done this, I figured what have I got to lose? So I started by looking at the things I had ‘pinned’ over the last year or two.  There were some very clear and obvious themes – I want to get fit and fabulous.  I want a holiday and to aim towards our dream house.  I thought about Typical Type and where we would like to be at the end of next year with this and DH Joinery, our main business.  I’d like to learn more about flowers and interior design, both things I have loved for a long time and never really got around to studying.

One thing I did want to improve on is keeping in touch with friends and family.  It’s so easy to take everyone for granted, especially when you have been friends since school.  But when you are all working, with husbands and families it is hard to arrange time.  So watch out girls – I will be waving my calendar at you and making us book dates in so we can spend more quality time together.

If you want to see more about 2014 take a look here and feel free to remind me to keep striving towards them – they won’t get themselves.
